
Hyder Park



2009年6月10日 星期三

980518 showbeyond

you can edit slidshow with picture and word explain and video
if you want loading the picture
you must renew the size of the picture to (640*480)
when you start the software
you must sign up your account
Congratulations! wendywang
You have successfully signed up and logged in to Showbeyond.com.
You can now set up your profile (optional) or create and share stories.
You may also take a tour to find out the easy steps.
If you have any question regarding to the site, you may check out Q&
post a question to the help page.
In addition, if you like to share your experience and make suggestions regarding to the site, please drop a line at our suggestion box.
Your contributions are sincerely appreciated.
Hope you will enjoy the site.
create ;first story format (wide format) \
creat story ;
upload your images;
idecast to edit by one piece picture;
show story or embeded to your blogger

