
Hyder Park



2009年5月27日 星期三

for online learning to do the material

when you think to use the web2.0
to creat any material about course context
so that you start to do the next step
1. what is the context you want your student to learn
2. how to arrange the organization and construct of context
3. start to use web2.o tool to creat the material
4.the material is video or audio or just photograph demo
if it is demo by powerpoint and audio
next is the step
a. make the powerpoint file
b. translate the file to PDF by PDFCreater
c. try to use microphone to record your voice by the software"C:\Program Files\Audacity\audacity.exe"
d.try to convert the audio file to ***.MP3 by the software"http://www.youconvertit.com/"
e. connect the pdf and voice
e. publish at slidershow


2009年5月26日 星期二

2009年5月25日 星期一


You can see many text for the special topic
the route another people have been searching for the same topic
like social bookmarking




SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations on the web. You can
upload your presentations (ppt, pptx, pdf, pps, ppsx, pot, potx, odp, keynote) and share with others
find/download interesting presentations
embed them into blogs or websites
create a slidecast by linking your slides with audio And it's completely free.

you can edit your text to .PDF (by PDF creator)
the limit is 100MB

slideshower you must sign in account

when somebody drop in the same concept at community(group and author)
you will accept the information about the topic
slideshower can interface with youtube
slidecast can interface with podcast
student can edit command
every slider haveseperate URL Per slideshower

my Widgets can allocate your presentation toghter

3. http://www.screentoaster.com/

you can record the real voice about screen capture

2009年5月6日 星期三

2009年5月5日 星期二

photo story upload URL

about photo story3 upload file

anthor resource
photo story 3 for Windows Online Resources

step by step
opening Photo Story
Importing picture
Adding a Title
Nattrating Pictures
Adding Background
saving your Photo Story
viewing your Photo Story

2009年5月4日 星期一




free /easy to learn and use /useful for teaching and learning

not desktop just web

from education technology to learning technology

http://www.footnote.com/ include access thousands of primary sources documents and photos

like history can use by writer

http://www.circavie.com/ creat timelines add image and video ex. computer history

http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ a handy online list-making application


online quiz maker that grades your test and quizzes for you

can be used for pop quizzes, homework quizzes, tests and exams

randomize quiz question

http://www.picnik.com/ photo edit software web paint use this software

http://www.zamzar/ free online file conversion document/image /music/video/other

http://www.bubbl.us/ flowchart and concept drawing

http://www.pageflakes/ orgaanized into tabs like databasee

http://www.flickr/ a free photo sharing

http://www.youtube.com/ online video streaming service that allows anyone to view and share video

http://www.meebo.com/ can contact msn gmail yahoo Google talkcan transfer message ontime

http://del.icio.us/ your bookmarks site can use tags to organize

http://www.mediafire.com/ free file hosting service up to 100M/ONE FILE


http://www.wordpress.com/ profession blog editor free platform

voicethread web can give video and word commend



http://www.ning.com/ make social network

www.google.com/educators/ google sites edit web




may edit image and video

then save to screencast by 8888.PNG

then you can save the file to screencast

embeded your data to your web

or edit the URL To your web

upload content

creat your folder

and make the library as order