
Hyder Park



2009年5月27日 星期三

for online learning to do the material

when you think to use the web2.0
to creat any material about course context
so that you start to do the next step
1. what is the context you want your student to learn
2. how to arrange the organization and construct of context
3. start to use web2.o tool to creat the material
4.the material is video or audio or just photograph demo
if it is demo by powerpoint and audio
next is the step
a. make the powerpoint file
b. translate the file to PDF by PDFCreater
c. try to use microphone to record your voice by the software"C:\Program Files\Audacity\audacity.exe"
d.try to convert the audio file to ***.MP3 by the software"http://www.youconvertit.com/"
e. connect the pdf and voice
e. publish at slidershow


